Being a BIPOC femme/woman in the United States comes with its unique set of challenges. You may be feeling stressed by the continuous microaggressions you are experiencing at school or work. You may feel alienated in majority-white spaces. Maybe you are struggling with biracial or multiracial identity. Maybe, you are trying to figure out how to take up space in a world that seems to silence the voices of people that look just like you.

Maybe you are just trying to keep it all  together. 

As a Black women and therapist, I get it. BIPOC femme/women have never had the privilege to fall apart. Being strong and resilient has been our survival tools for generations. But, it can be too much sometimes. Stuffing it all inside of you while also carrying generations of oppression, social inequality, and racial trauma.

If you made it this far, welcome to the first step.

I recognize that mental health still holds significant stigma in our communities. Many of us are still carrying the trauma that Ancestors experienced, subconsciously and consciously. It is possible to heal and thrive. You are not overreacting. You are not too much or too emotional. You are worthy of healing and support.